
Contact Person: Doreen Rweihangwe, President. Email:

Contact Person: Rebecca Kisolo, Vice President. Email:

Description: empowers women to participate in the coffee production chain so as to increase their household incomes and improve their livelihoods


Description: Coffee processors, roasters and exporters.

Kampala 0.28 km

Uganda Cooperative Alliance (UCA) Ltd is an umbrella organization for all cooperatives in Uganda established in 1961. It serves as the voice of the cooperative movement at both national and international level with a mandate to recommend to government on matters of policy relating to cooperatives arbitration (settlement of disputes) advocate.

Contact Person: Teddy Namaganda, AG. Executive Director and PA to Group CEO. Mob: +256 788 720 417. Email:

Contact Person: Hellen Mirembe, Chief Operations Officer. Mob: +256 702 817 060. Email:

Facebook page: AfricaCoffeeACA.

Twitter handle: @AfricaCoffeeACA.

YouTube Video:

Members to: Uganda Coffee Federation (UCF), Africa Fine Coffees Association (AFCA), Centre for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development (CEED)

Networking Event: AFCA Conferences.

Partners with: Great Lakes Coffee- Uganda, CBI- Netherlands, aBi Trust, Solidaridad, USAID, Hivos

Target market: Regional and International Coffee Value Chain Actors.

Interest: To widen ACA’s networks and increase its visibility to the entire coffee value chain actors to provide them with support for a Total Coffee Experience from the Garden up to the Cup through educating, training, and other high-value professional services.

Description: Africa Coffee Academy (ISO 9001; 2008) is an independent source of coffee knowledge consultancy, training, and direct services. At Africa Coffee Academy [ACA] Coffee is our business. ACA is a private sector-led initiative that aims at providing professional, business, and technical support to the coffee value chain to ensure compliance to ensure resilience and profitable coffee enterprises through organized training, research, coaching and mentoring, advisory and technical services in the entire value chain. ACA offers the following courses: Coffee Agronomy; Barista Course; Coffee Trading and Entrepreneurship; Coffee Sustainability; Coffee Quality Management; Training of trainers; Coffee Price Risk Management; SPS Management and Selling Skills Course.

ACA also provides private contract third party quality assurance services to coffee exporters and farmer associations that include Savannah Commodities Ltd, Kampala Domestic Stores Ltd, Star Cafe, Kyagalanyi Coffee and NUCAFE and international buyers including; TATA Coffee of India, CTCS (UK), Africa Tea & Coffee of Mombasa Kenya, Altimo and Supremo both of Belgium.

The Academy has built strategic linkages with the key players in the coffee value chain. ACA has also provided worked with smallholder producers from; the National Union of Coffee Agribusiness and Farm Enterprises (NUCAFE), African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA); Ankole Coffee Producers Cooperative Union, Tororo based One Café, Budadiri Arabica Coffee Factory Ltd. (BACFL).

Nakana Coffee Factory.logo.png

Contact Person: George William Kanooya.

Description: coffee processor and exporter.

Reco Industries.logo.png

Description: coffee processor and exporter

Kampala 0.52 km

Description: research development organization within agricultural sector including coffee.

Contact Person: Amos Kasigi, Managing Director. Mob: +256 753 185 555, +256 708 153 244.

Established: 2007.

Profile Video:

Partners: Rootcapital, Operation Wealth Creation, USAID, Uganda Quality Coffee Traders’ & Processors’ Association, OikoCredit, aBi Development Ltd and UCDA e.t.c.

Description: The company processes and exports sundried and washed arabica from Bugisu and robusta from central, western and eastern region. It has an annual capacity of 12,000Metric Tonnes of coffee. Its coffee buyers are both local and international companies that exports ready and graded coffees such as Olam, UGACOF, TOUTON, Kyagalanyi Coffee, TRC Specialty Commodities, ENGELHART (ECTP) among others. It also deals in cocoa production for exporting in the European markets.

Contact Person: Rose Kato Nakayenga.

Founded: 1984.

Description: coffee processor and exporter.

Contact Person: Costantine Bwambale, Chairman. Mob: +256 772 482 248.

Contact Person: Tantine Masika, Secretary. Mob: +256 779 777 252.

Established: 2001.

Partners: Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU).

Description: Association that deals in cocoa nursery seedlings, agro-inputs and seek markets for its members. Its aim is to improve the quality of cocoa being produced and increase the production and export volumes of cocoa from Uganda.


Established: 1997. Description: coffee processor and exporter.

Kampala 0.88 km

Contact Person: Samuel N. Kamau, Executive Director.

Contact Person: Kenneth M. Barigye, Uganda Chapter Chair.

Kampala/Nwoya 0.9 km

Contact Person: Brian Sengendo.

Deals in soil sampling, analysis and testing for better production of crops including coffee; outsourcing services for managing coffee farms among other crops.

Description: a global platform bringing together stakeholders in the coffee sector to address sustainability issues.

Showing 1 - 20 of 110 results