: Plot 47/49, Nkrumah Road (Behind I&M Bank), Kampala.

Uganda Cooperative Alliance (UCA) Ltd is an umbrella organization for all cooperatives in Uganda established in 1961. It serves as the voice of the cooperative movement at both national and international level with a mandate to recommend to government on matters of policy relating to cooperatives arbitration (settlement of disputes) advocate.

Jinja 77.44 km

Contact Person: Suzan Batwala, Operations Manager. Mob: +256 772 200 274. Email:

Description: coffee processor and exporter.

Mukasa Estate.logo.jpg

Description: Robusta coffee, growers and processors.

Kakumiro 92.6 km

Contact Person: Kyompaire Generous, Programs Manager. Mob: +256 779 227 846. Email:

Contact Person: Kabalega Lauren, Manager. Mob: +256 775 202 832.

Contact Person: Peace Natwijuka, Accounting Officer. Mob: +256 779 734 143

Established: 2018.

Description: Buys ripe or dried coffee, mills and sell it to exporters.

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