
Description: FAO works with different stakeholders to promote cocoa and coffee value chains in Uganda.

Contact Person: Gerald Katabazi, CEO & Founder. Email: gkatabazi@gmail.com.

Description: Coffee processor, exporter and deals in handcrafted roasted beans, green bean sourcing and barista training in East Africa.

Kampala 0.44 km

Contact Person: Perez Mugizi.

Description: It processes and exports washed Arabica and natural Robusta coffee from central and western regions of Uganda. It works with over 8,000 farmers to produce quality.

Contact Person: Leopold Mumbere, Regional Coffee and Cocoa Director in East Africa. Mob: +243990 956 184. Email: leopold.mumbere@rikolto.org

Contact Person: Stan Lietaer, Coffee and Cocoa Business Development (Uganda). Email: stan.lietaer@rikolto.org.

Established in: 1958 under the name “Vredeseilenanden” in Belgium and since 1995 in Uganda under the name “VECO”.

Award: VUFO’s Certificate of Merit in 2021 (https://vietnam.rikolto.org/en/news/rikolto-awarded-vufos-certificate-merit-2021)

Membership: Beyond Chocolate.

Partnership: Belgian Government, European Union, NAAC, AMEA, SHONA, DOEN foundation, Kyaninga Forest Foundation, SWT e.t.c.

Target beneficiaries: Smallholder coffee and cocoa farmers in Western Uganda (Albertine rift area).

Interest: To link up with all the relevant actors in coffee and cocoa, to see what is possible to contribute to sustainable growth in both value chains.

Description: Rikolto is an International NGO supporting smallholder farmers in different agricultural value chains,  including coffee and cocoa. In the region, we have experience in both crops in DRC, and are looking to start up activities in Uganda. Rikolto uses a holistic agroforestry approach, making the smallholder farmer a valuable and resilient part of the value chain. We strengthen their linkage to markets and financial services, while applying Inclusive Business principles. Resilience requires a focus on food security, climate change mitigation and financial literacy.

Kampala 0.5 km

Contact Person: Kabunga Daniel Kizito.

Coffee processor and exporter

Description: UCTF’s vision is to have sustainable coffee production and trade in Uganda and its mission is to engage and work with all stakeholders to promote sustainable coffee production and trade to achieve its goal of sustaining and increasing volumes and quality of traded coffee.

Contact Person: Rose Kato Nakayenga.

Founded: 1984.

Description: coffee processor and exporter.

Contact Person: Gustav Gonget, Managing Director. Mob: +256 783 480 124. Email: ggonget@gmail.com.

Contact Person: Barbara Gonget, Administrator. Mob: +256 772 446 433. Email: barbaragonget@gmail.com.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/equatorchocolate.

Established in: 2018.

Founders: Gustav and Barbara Gonget.

Description: Equator Chocolate is among the first companies to add value to the locally grown cocoa beans to produce high quality chocolate for local and export purposes. The team aims at increasing visibility of the product brand; substitute imported chocolates in the country and increase export of locally finished products from Uganda. The firm currently participates in some MARKUP Project activities and events

Kampala 0.65 km
+256 772 505 619, +256 775 667 858+256 772 505 619, +256 775 667 858

Deals in specialty coffee shop/cafe that also sells coffee making equipment

Kampala 0.66 km

Contact Person: Samuel N. Kamau, Executive Director.

Contact Person: Kenneth M. Barigye, Uganda Chapter Chair.

Contact Person: Costantine Bwambale, Chairman. Mob: +256 772 482 248.

Contact Person: Tantine Masika, Secretary. Mob: +256 779 777 252.

Established: 2001.

Partners: Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU).

Description: Association that deals in cocoa nursery seedlings, agro-inputs and seek markets for its members. Its aim is to improve the quality of cocoa being produced and increase the production and export volumes of cocoa from Uganda.

Description: a global platform bringing together stakeholders in the coffee sector to address sustainability issues.


Established: 1997. Description: coffee processor and exporter.

Showing 1 - 20 of 110 results