Bukalasi Central Village, Bukalasi Parish, Bukalasi Subcounty, Bududa

GPS Coordinates: 1.0111, 34.41734.
Contact Person: Muyama Florence Wakooba, Chairperson.
Established: 2003. Description: A legally registered CBO farmer cooperative that grows Arabic coffee consisting of 250 member farmers. It currently sells most of its coffee to Endiro Coffee which supports them with trainings and equipment.

Busia 84.36 km

GPS Coordinates: 0.3672, 34.01607.

Contact Person: Oduma Philip, Coordinator. Mob: +256 774 834 681.

Contact Person: Stephen Wafula, Advocacy Officer. Mob: +256 782 620 412. Email:

Established in: 1998.

Partners: Uganda National Farmers Federation, Busia District Local Government and Mastercard Foundation (Mastercard Farmer Network Project).

Description: It promotes the local coffee farmers and traders among other subsectors to access markets and network with others.

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