Contact Person: Emmanuel Iyamulemye Niyibigira, Managing Director. Email:
Description: The Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) is a government agency responsible for regulating all “on” and “off” coffee farm activities. UCDA’s mission is to facilitate increase in quality coffee production, productivity, and consumption. The agency is also responsible for providing license to businesses that export coffee out of Uganda among other activities.
Contact person: Edson Kushaba, Director. Mob: +256 779 934 133.
Description: Coffee nursery.
GPS Coordinates: 0.69915, 34.18202.
Contact Person: Bukawa Wanaguttu Kassim Jr.
Founded in: 1986.
Awards: Gold Star Award from Chicago in U.S.A. in 2006 and Packaging of the Year 2006 in London.
Partners: Seniors without Borders (Denmark)
Membership: Uganda Manufacturer Association.
Description: Elgonia Coffee was the first coffee roasting company in Uganda in 1986. It processes and exports Arabic and Robusta coffee. It has the following brands: Elgonia Coffee House (Elgonia Superior Blend; Elgonia Dark Chocolate; Elgonia Soft Cream Caramel; Elgonia House Blend; Elgonia Vanilla; Elgonia Black Gold); Elgonia Kisubi Tea. It partnered with OneCafe International to form Elgonia OneCafe International Limited.
GPS Coordinates: -0.54225, 30.14754.
Contact Person: Monica Kiconco, Manager. Mob: +256 772 683 271.
Contact Person: Isaac Ssemuweba, Factory owner. Mob: +256 772 846 676.
Established: 1998.
Interest: Access more coffee buyers and exporters; traders with coffee to mill.
Description: Factory offers milling services; buys Arabica and Robusta coffee from farmers and traders (Mitooma, Bushenyi, Rubirizi), mills the coffee from kiboko to clean which is sold to the exporters.
Contact Person: Ssenyonga Emmanuel.
Description: Coffee growers, processors and exporters.
GPS Coordinates (Sheema): -0.58168, 30.38865.
Collection Centre (Ishaka): -0.54254, 30.14845.
Profile Videos:
Contact Person: John Nuwagaba, Managing Director. Mob: +256 772 000 000.
Contact Person: Stanley Maniragaba, Operations Manager. Email:
Certifications: Fairtrade, USDA Organic, Rainforest Alliance and Carbon Neutral.
Standardization: ISO, HACCP.
Awards: Best of the Pearl Robust 2021, Top 100 Mid-Sized Companies in Uganda 2015/2016, Best Special Category 2018/2019.
Membership: Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA), Uganda Cooperative Alliance (UCA), Uganda Coffee Federation (UCF), Uganda Fairtrade Network (UFN).
Participate in Networking Events: African Fines Coffee Association Expo (AFCA), Specialty Coffee of Europe, BIOFACH trade fair
for organics food and Specialty Coffee Expo organized by Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) among other events.
Target market: Europe, Japan and North America.
Partners: aBi Development Ltd, United States African Development Foundation (USADF) and Rabobank.
Established in: 2006.
Description: ACPCU is a farmer-owned coffee cooperative union consisting of 20 primary cooperatives and over 8,200 members. It deals in coffee extension, procurement, processing and export of green beans. It is a certified fair trade exporter of specialty organic coffee. The cooperative was certified by CERES GmbH for processing and exporting coffee. It exports some of its coffee to Germany among other countries. It deals in both Arabica and Robusta coffee grown in South Western Uganda within areas of Bushenyi, Sheema, Ntungamo, Ibanda, Rubirizi and Mbarara. ACPCU has a capacity of selling over 200 containers annually. It runs a coffee nursery project to supply quality coffee seedlings to its farmers. ACPCU does different corporate social responsibility activities within the communities in health, finance, education, environment, energy and organic farming.
Contact: Volcafe Group.
Certifications: Rainforest Alliance, UTZ, 4C Association, IQNet Management system, ISO 9001:2008 e.t.c.
Description: Coffee processor and exporter. It is a member of Volcafe coffee group.
Contact Person: Alfred Wonyaka (Rev.), Founder.
Established in: 2009. Interest in: coffee buyers and development partners. Description: A group of smallholder and grassroots farmers that grow Arabic coffee.
Contact Person: Telis Nicolaides, Managing Director. Email:
Description: Coffee processor and exporter
Contact Person: Mahrus Abdalla Salim.
Description: coffee processor and exporter.
Contact Person: Farid Meghani.
Description: coffee processors and exporters.
Contact Person: Rose Kato Nakayenga.
Founded: 1984.
Description: coffee processor and exporter.
Description: Currently partnering with United States African Development Foundation (USADF) and Government of Uganda (GoU) in managing grantees in Uganda within coffee sub-sector
Contact Person: Brian Sengendo.
Deals in soil sampling, analysis and testing for better production of crops including coffee; outsourcing services for managing coffee farms among other crops.
Contact Person: Owor Lino Ogora, farmer owner/manager.
Founded: 2019. Description: 20 acres of Robusta. under cultivation
Contact Person: Orisa Raphael Jawino, Managing Director.
Description: Joris supports small holder farmers to grow coffee and cocoa. It offers farmers seedlings, linkage to markers, extension services and finance support. The company aims at adding value to the produce and access UAE and European markets.
GPS Coordinates (Sheema): -0.58168, 30.38865.
Description: It is owned by Ankole Coffee Producers Cooperative Union Ltd and certified by UCDA. It consists of different varieties such as: Robusta elite, Coffee wilt resistant varieties/clones and shade trees.
Contact Person: Lubega Shafik Nsamba.
Description: coffee processor and exporter.
Coffee House,
Plot 35 Jinja Road,
P.O.Box 7267,Kampala, Uganda
Tel: (+256)-414-256940 / 312-260470
Fax: +256-414-256994