+256 754 419 338+256 754 419 338

Contact Person: Byamugisha. Mob: +256 754 419 338.

Contact Person: Namuganza Esther. Mob: +256 705 709 340.

Description: A legally registered CBO that promotes cocoa production and marketing practices


Contact Person: Paul Siya Lubega, Chairman. Mob: +256 700 261 718, +256 700 000 000. Email: paulslubega1985@gmail.com.

Contact Person: Zam Mulindwa, Secretary.

Description: the cooperative buys cocoa beans from member farmers and sells them in bulk to exporting companies. It also supplies farmers with seedlings, extension services on cocoa agricultural practices and continuous seeks better markers for its members

+256 701 287 739+256 701 287 739

Contact Person: Luya Samuel, General Secretary.

Description: A legally registered CBO that promotes cocoa production and marketing practices.

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