
Description: Buyers and sellers of cocoa and vanilla.

+256 392 548 920, +256 705 311 585+256 392 548 920, +256 705 311 585

GPS Coordinates: 0.70358, 30.07451.

Contact Person: Bakulirahe Yokonia, Director. Mob: +256 392 548 920, +256 705 311 585. Email: yokapapa1@gmail.com.

Contact Person: Sheraton Bwabale, Manager. Mob: +256 783 002 666.

Established in: 2002.

Membership: Uganda Cocoa Development Association.

Partnership: Value Chain Cocoa Project (Lead Implementing Partner in Bundibugyo).

Target: Cocoa Exporters and Processors.

Description: It deals in buying cocoa beans from farmers in any quantities, sun dries it to the acceptable moisture content and sells it to the exporters.

Contact Person: Maniraguha Emmanuel, Managing Director. Mob: +256 772 439 245, +256 752 439 245.

Membership: Uganda Cocoa Development Association.

Target market: Cocoa exporters.

Interest: To network with other cocoa stakeholders and establish a cocoa association across the country.

Description: Buys cocoa beans from farmers and field traders, dry them, grade, ferment, sort (primary processing) and sell to large international buyers and exporters


Contact Person: Muhindo Raunale, Director. Mob: +256 778 364 033. Email: gbaluku1988@gmail.com.

Contact Person: Geoffrey Baluku, Assistant Manager. Mob: +256 778 267 472.

Established in: 2019.

Description: Traders (buys and sells) dry cocoa beans. The company buys cocoa beans, dries it and ferments it and then sells it to local buyers that have large stores. Farmers are paid depending on the sunshine type (1, 2 and 3). It also deals in vanilla.


Contact Person: Ezra Biyara, Director.

Description: Since 2015, Ezra BR Agency has been buying good quality cocoa beans from farmers and selling it to exporting companies. The agency currently supplies to African Trade Winds. It is seeking for more customers interested in locally grown cocoa.

+256 705 873 242+256 705 873 242

Contact: Jerald Ampumurize, Director.

Description: Deals in buying and selling of cocoa beans since 2020.

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